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Your Journey Starts Here

Why Everyone Needs a Life Coach
Why Everyone Needs a Life Coach
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We live in a time in which everything anyone could ever want to learn, change, or do is available at their fingertips. Billions of dollars are spent every year on books, training, and education in pursuit of progress. But the truth is that most books are never read, most programs are never completed, and most of what is learned is never applied.

We live in a giant sea of unfulfilled potential!

The reason people don’t follow through on changes or go for their dreams isn’t because they don’t have the resources. It isn’t because they don’t have the desire. And it isn’t because they don’t have the time.

It’s because life happens.

Responsibilities happen.

Overwhelm happens.

Limiting beliefs happen.

People have career goals, relationship goals, health goals, financial goals... but they also have doubts, fears, and distractions.

They don’t need more life hacks, another 5 steps list, the idiot’s guide to meditation, or another get rich quick scheme.

They need a LIFE COACH.

The truth is that EVERYONE needs accountability and encouragement!

Change is hard. Big goals take big commitment. Doing something new or scary is always better (and more likely to actually happen) with a partner or a guide. No matter how inspired we are by our dreams, our old patterns and habituated comforts will quickly zap our energy and fade our drive.


  • A life coach helps you dream big and stretch your horizons to create a compelling vision for your life, and then helps you chart the course to get there.


  • A life coach holds you accountable to yourself by holding you to higher expectations and standards and reminding you what you’re doing it all for.


  • A life coach challenges you to see your true potential and to settle for nothing less than all than you are meant to be.


  • A life coach helps you find meaning in the challenges in your life and give your pain a purpose.


  • ​A life coach helps you keep your monkey mind in check so you can choose optimism, feel confident, and master a mindset of success.


  • A life coach helps you stay committed in those times when you feel frustrated, overwhelmed, or become distracted by life’s uncertainties.


  • A life coach is that support system you can depend on when the people in your life are nay-sayers, haters, or don’t believe in your vision.


Sometimes a life coach can be the expert or guide that shows you a shortcut to their success in their career, their business, their relationships, or their life.


A life coach can show you proven strategies for:


  • Finding your ideal partner or for getting a peaceful divorce


  • Finding your dream job or for escaping the rat race


  • Overcoming your self-sabotaging beliefs or transcending them through meditation


  • Organizing your home or selling it so you can travel the world


No matter what area of your life you want to improve or transform, hiring a life coach ensures you don’t have to do it alone, you’ll follow through on your goals, and you will fulfill your potential!

Life Coaching Vs Therapy
Life Coaching Vs Therapy

Life coaches often use “therapeutic” tools, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Therapeutic Art, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), hypnosis, and other psychological techniques, with clients. The word “therapeutic” means that it benefits the body or mind and increases wellbeing. Using these tools is helpful as a coach, however it is not the same as conducting “therapy” like a therapist.


A life coach can use therapeutic and psychological tools to help people:


  • Change their thinking


  • Increase their emotional wellbeing


  • Change limited belief systems


  • Reframe past experiences


  • Set and achieve goals


  • Make life changes


  • Increase motivation


  • Learn a new skill


  • Change their self-identity


In general, life coaches are PRESENT AND FUTURE FOCUSED. Life coaches help their clients explore their past only as a means of understanding their current life experience and belief systems. Their primary goal is to help a client look at where they are, where they want to be, and how to get from point A to point B.


A therapist may also help clients with these areas of their life, but they also help their patients:


  • Treat mental illness or clinical anxiety or depression


  • Heal past trauma


  • Cope with traumatic loss


  • Cope with abuse


  • Treat addiction or substance abuse


  • Cope with relationship turmoil or violence


In general, therapists are PAST AND PRESENT FOCUSED. While a therapist may work with clients to set goals and make changes, primarily clients come to them seeking assistance with healing trauma, overcoming abuse, treating addiction or treating mental illness.


Because therapists have a specialized graduate degree and clinical training, they have an extensive foundation of knowledge about the mind, biology, and human behavior. They are qualified to help clients in these sensitive areas, and, more importantly, they are properly trained on how to handle the volatile nature of these situations.

Life Coaching Vs Consulting
Life Coaching Vs Consulting

The biggest difference between coaching and consulting is who holds the power. In consulting the consultant holds the power in the relationship, while in coaching the client holds the power. A consultant holds the answers, while a coach helps their client find their own answers.


Consulting requires that the consultant have expertise in the area that the client seeks to learn and grow. The consultant provides advice and often teaches the client specific tools, skills, or knowledge. Sometimes, a consultant is in a longer-term relationship with their client, acting as a mentor.


In traditional life coaching, it is believed that a life coach’s role isnot to give advice. A general life coach goal does not need to have specific knowledge or experience in the topic area that the client wishes to improve. The coach instead offers expertise in the change, goal attainment, and accountability process, which is effective regardless of whether the client is seeking to lose weight, make changes in their business, learn a new skill, or stop a habit.


However, as the life coaching industry has evolved, what has become the most popular and successful type of coaching is a consulting-coaching hybrid, referred to as niche life coaching.


In this case, the coach has expertise, knowledge or experience in a particular area and coaches their clients to improve in that area. In this way, a life coach is like a guide or a mentor.


Niche coaching means that instead of coaching a client on any goal they have, you focus your coaching around a very specific type of goal that YOU are uniquely able to address with clients.


For instance:


•Your career experience can serve as a catalyst for your client’s careers


•Your experience as an entrepreneur can help your clients start a business


•Your expertise as a sales professional can help people in your field


•Your experience overcoming a specific type of life obstacle can be used to help others who are experiencing the same struggles or pain


In this case, your coaching program would be designed to walk your clients through the process you took to get the results you have achieved in your life. It’s a little bit advice, a little bit education or training, and a lot support and accountability, just like a general coach. The more specific, specialized, and expert your knowledge and experience are, the more like a consultant you become.


This doesn’t mean you are fixing anyone, that you hold all the answers, or that you know what’s best for them, it just means that you have value to share from your own experience, in addition to helping the client determine their goals and hold them accountable as they make life changes.


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